Crop Production

Posted by AtaSancak 09/10/2018 0 Comment(s)

AtaSancak Acıpayam Dairy Farm Crop Production


Crop Production


While dry farming was being cultivated in the 5.890 decare of area when it was rented in 2004, today, the total irrigable field of the farm has increased up to 12,513 decares through 34 center pivot irrigation systems.

In order to monitor, control and the track real-time of the all pivots used in the farm, the special software is used in the farm. This system is this system was designed by taking into account the needings of farm. The water requirement of the plant is determined by using 4 meteorological stations, 80 soil moisture and temperature sensors and then the irrigation scheduling is prepared through the special software in terms of the water requirement “irrigation scheduling”

The farm uses the last precision agriculture technologies in most of operations (especially planting, fertilizing and spraying). Besides, all tractors that are used in field operations have RTK system with 2 cm sensitivity and all planters creates the planting maps including the amount of planning seeds, using fertilizer, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.


At the same time, To analyze growth and development of plants during its phonological periods, is used the technologies of “satellite”, “drone” and, “chlorophyll meter” GNSS technology with 30 cm sensitivity is used to take the soil and plant samples.


Ten different hybrids that are selected using some methods, are planted to increase productivity per unit area of cultivated land and to choose high performing, adapted hybrids each year. The farm sees the integrated approach which includes the agronomic biofortication and soil fertility management as a more sustainable approach.


AtaSancak Acıpayam Dairy Farm
Crop Production

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