Milking Barns and Parlor

Milking Barns and Parlor
In Ata Sancak Acıpayam Dairy Farm, the dairy cows are accommodated in the barns where more hygiene is available with the use of the system named flushing and the sand base which is inorganic and deemed as the healthiest animal walfare area today.
The first user of the flushing system which is for barn cleaning in Turkey is Ata Sancak Acıpayam Dairy Farm. Roughly 9.000 ton of water and 20 ton of sand are used daily. ”
Roughly 85% of the used flushing water and 80% of the sand are used again and again with the recycling system and this both creates an economy and prevents the negative effects on the environment.
Roughly 85% of the used flushing water and 80% of the sand are used again and again with the recycling system and this both creates an economy and prevents the negative effects on the environment.
AtaSancak Acıpayam Dairy Farm
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